Private Equity Real Estate Funds

PROTEUS works with Private Equity Funds that own Church Notes which they have purchased in the secondary market. These Funds typically buy these Notes at a discount and seek to profit by picking up a “spread” when the underlying mortgagee refinances their Note. The Problem is these Funds are not equipped to assist and get efficient or timely conversion. PROTEUS has designed a proprietary process to make the process efficient and ultimately increase profits significantly from 500 to 800 basis point annually:

  • PROTEUS provides an initial Grading sheet of the underlying loan opportunity and lists the qualifying ratios and a fully Underwritten score to assess the proper gameplan

  • PROTEUS then works the A, B, C files to Refinance while assisting the D & F files in improving their profile.

  • PROTEUS Provides updates to Fund

  • PROTEUS provides a much more timely conversion to refinance AND typically at or close to the NOTES Par value
